Now available on Vimeo on Demand. Click here to go to Vimeo.
One Year Later, a film by Lucia Mauro, tells the story of an American woman who takes a cathartic trip to the Italian Alps one year after completing cancer treatment. Liz, a dedicated college professor, struggles with her post-cancer life and changing priorities. Despite her husband’s well-meaning over-protectiveness, she takes a trip with their friends – an American couple living in Milan – to Italy. When her friends assume the role of worried caregivers and overwhelm her with a jam-packed itinerary, she escapes to the Alps to find her space. Here, Liz is able to reassert her independence. She learns to go forward, and return to her family, with a renewed sense of self -- free of compliance, guilt and obligation.
Changed by...but not defined by...illness.
The film premiered in September 2016 at Loyola University Medical Center’s new Center for Translational Research & Education in Maywood, Illinois. Funds raised benefited the Christl Burgess Memorial Fund for ovarian cancer research at Loyola University Medical Center’s Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center. September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. A special screening of One Year Later was held in December 2016 at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago -- a collaboration with the Illinois Chapter of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, with funds raised benefiting the NOCC's Stand Up To Cancer initiative for ovarian cancer research. More screenings have taken place at the University of Chicago Medicine, SwedishAmerican Regional Cancer Center in conjunction with the Rockford Area Ovarian Cancer Support Group and the NOCC, Rush-Copley Medical Center's Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center in Aurora, Ill., Wellness House in Hinsdale, Ill., Gilda’s Club Chicago at Advocate Christ Medical Center, Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox, Ill., University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics for A View Beyond Support Group for Women with Gynecologic Cancers in Madison, Wisconsin, the Lilies of the Valley Gynecologic Cancer Support & Awareness Group in conjunction with the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and l'Associazione V.I.O.L.A. – a breast cancer/tumor support group in Aosta, Italy (where filming took place). One Year Later opened the Gynecological Cancer Awareness Project's debut film festival at the University of New Mexico's Comprehensive Cancer Center in Albuquerque, and was a featured event for Ovarian Cancer Symptom Awareness (OCSA) in Hayward, Wisconsin. The film also has been presented at the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum in Milan, Italy, at Loyola University Chicago Damen Center Cinema, and as part of Casa Italia's film series. One Year Later screened at Montreal's 2016 Views of the World Film & Music Festival, where it was nominated for Best Original Score by Enzo De Rosa. The original soundtrack is available on iTunes.
For information on scheduling an in-person film screening, click here for our brochure, or contact us to arrange an online event featuring a discussion with writer-director Lucia Mauro.
Watch writer-director and ovarian cancer survivor Lucia Mauro share how the experience led her to make healing films at this special event sponsored by TESARO/The Moth during the 2018 National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Conference in New York City.

During Covid-19, Lucia Mauro also shared her film online, including a post-show discussion, with cancer support groups & medical facilities.
"To those of us who have been touched personally by cancer, this is a movie of hope, love and truly growing from the adversity."
-- Lisa M.