Modern Luxury’s CS Magazine & Front Desk
September 2014

“Mauro’s Tribute to Fallen Marine to Benefit Veterans”
By Ed M. Koziarski
Reel Chicago
September 18, 2014

“A Trip Through Italy: In My Brother’s Shoes with
Arts Critic-Turned-Filmmaker Lucia Mauro”
By Brandie Madrid
New City Chicago
September 19, 2014

WBBM-News Radio (780 AM) with Terry Keshner
Lucia Mauro interviewed
September 21, 2014

Filmmakers Lucia Mauro and Joe Orlandino.
“Embracing Life’s Possibilities: Local Makes Directorial Debut with Short Film”
By Gabrielle Weiss
Inside Booster, Skyline Booster, News-Star – Chicago
October 8-14, 2014
“The stories she tells: Lucia Mauro’s new film is inspired by a lifelong love of Rome –
and a chance encounter while there”
By Anastasia Busiek
Loyola Magazine
Fall 2014
“In My Brother’s Shoes” Premiere
Social Scene – Today’s Chicago Woman Magazine
November 2014

WDCB Public Radio (Chicago & DuPage County)
Lucia Mauro interviewed by Brian O’Keefe
November 9 & 11, 2014

“Romeoville Restaurant Hosts Movie Screening to Benefit Toys for Tots”
By Jeanne Millsap
The Herald-News (Romeoville, Joliet – Will County)
November 14, 2014

Comcast Cable TV Community Connection with Cindy Bravos
Lucia Mauro interviewed
February 9, 2015

Writer-Director Lucia Mauro accepts Best Short Film prize at the Mirabile Dictu International Catholic Film Festival at the Vatican -- Rome, Italy.
Announcement of Finalists: Mirabile Dictu International Catholic Film Festival – June 20, 2015
"When we travel, when we walk around and take trains, we meet people, and we will most likely never see them again, but they touch our lives."
Loyola Magazine, Fall 2014

Comcast-TV Community Connection with Cindy Bravos
Lucia Mauro interviewed
September 5, 2016
“I insisted on crafting an uplifting film that moves beyond the clinical aspects of cancer. Unlike many films in that genre, One Year Later is not set exclusively in a hospital following the protagonist through treatment. Instead, it moves out of the physicality of cancer and into a rejuvenating world of the emotions, the senses and human connection."
Writer-Director Lucia Mauro
“Mauro’s First Feature Bows 9/18 at New Med Center”
By Ruth L. Ratny
Reel Chicago
September 14, 2016

“Pay It Forward: Another Stage 32 Film Premiering This Week”
By Joe Orlandino
Stage 32
September 14, 2016

“One Year Later Review: Film Expresses the Many Emotions of a Cancer Survivor”
By Robin Kuss
Chicago Splash Magazine
December 11, 2016

“WIU Film Club commemorates Veterans with film screening”
By Christopher Ginn
The McDonough County Voice
November 4, 2017
“WIU commemorates Military Appreciation Week with film screening”
By Christopher Ginn
The McDonough County Voice
November 9, 2017

“Western’s film club hosts an emotional event for community”
By Brie Coder
The Western Courier
November 13, 2017

Lucia Mauro Interviewed on
Huntsville, Alabama
March 2 & 3 2018

The Dolly McCarthy Radio Show
Lucia Mauro interviewed
December 5, 2019
Listen to full interview on Vimeo (at right).

BraveHearts Radio -- VoiceAmerica
Hosted by Brian Reinbold
Lucia Mauro & Joe Orlandino interviewed
June 29, 2020

BraveHearts Radio -- VoiceAmerica
Hosted by Brian Reinbold
Interview about "I Have a Name"
October 12, 2020

"Chicago Film I Have a Name Strives to Give a Voice to Those Experiencing Homelessness"
By LeeAnn Trotter
NBC-5 News Chicago
October 22, 2020

"I Have a Name" Online Premiere
Felicia Dechter's Column
Skyline Newspapers
October 21-27, 2020

Filming the Epilogue for our documentary, I Have a Name, in which we address the effects of Covid-19.

The online premiere of "I Have a Name," sponsored by In My Brother's Shoes, Inc., featured guest panelists Jacqueline C. Hayes, founder of The Chicago HELP Initiative; Lucia Mauro, writer-director; Lamont Burnett, housing advocate; Amanda Longe-Asque, co-executive director of Harmony, Hope & Healing; and Heather Eidson, editor & photographer.

Winners of the 2020 Mirabile Dictu International Catholic Film Festival
Rome Reports TV -- The Vatican
November 27, 2020
"'Vatican Oscar' awarded: Winners of the Catholic Film Festival 2020"
By Joanna Lukaszuk-Ritter
CNA Germany
November 30, 2020

By Umberto Mucci
We The Italians Magazine
December 1, 2020

Lucia Mauro Interviewed by Cindy Bravos for "I Have a Name"
Comcast Community Connection
December 15, 2020-January 10, 2021

Lucia Mauro e la solitudine dei carbonari dimenticati
Cittadino Canadese
January 27, 2021

Catholic Charities Voice of Charity Radio
Hosted by Marie Jochum & Brigid Murphy
Interview about "I Have a Name"
February 9, 2021

New documentary honors victims of little-known massacre against Italian immigrants
We The Italians Magazine
February 20, 2021
Lifestyles North Radio 92.3 WRLS-FM
Hosted by Jessica Irvine - Hayward, WI
Lucia Mauro interviewed
September 3, 2021

Hosted by Dalton Hessel - Hayward, WI
Lucia Mauro interviewed
September 14, 2021
K9 trials look promising for ovarian cancer symptom detection
WGN-Radio hosted by Steve Dale
Lucia Mauro interviewed
May 8, 2022

Cindy Bravos, Host of Comcast Community Connection, interviews writer-director Lucia Mauro about her documentary, "I Have a Name."

Read full magazine article here.

'One Year Later': Chicago filmmaker & cancer survivor to present film at The Park Center -- Hayward, Wisconsin
By Kathy Hanson
Sawyer County Record
September 15, 2021
By Umberto Mucci
We The Italians Magazine
September 25, 2024